What Is The Fear Of The LORD


... ''The more we study the holiness of God from His Word, the more we will understand the extent of His hatred of sin''.

  God has no tolerance toward sin; therefore, He will not compromise with it. Sin is abhorrent to His very nature. The one who created us and longs for us to be fulfilled through intimate friendship with Himself says, ''You shall be holy; for I the Lord your God am holy'' - Leviticus 19:2. Therefore, understanding what it means to hate sin is of primary importance in order to fulfill that command.

  No matter how unholy we are now, or how impossible it may seem for us to become holy, if we have committed our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ and He is living within us, we need to remember He is holy. If we choose to walk in obedience to the next thing He tells us to do, His holy life will start to be manifest through us.

  Another definition of the fear of the Lord is given in Malachi chapter two where God is making reference to Levi the priest. In verse five He says, '' My covenant with him was a covenant of life  and peace, and I gave them to him, that he might fear; and he feared me, he stood in awe of my name''.
  What is His name, that we are to stand in awe of as part of the fear of the Lord?
  God's most dynamic, two-word description of Himself is unquestionably, ''IAM'' (Exodus 3:14), meaning He is everything that is perfect and excellent and complete and flawless;

Everything we will ever need Him to be to fulfill us,
Everything we will ever need of Him to work in us in order to conform us to the image of His dear Son.
Everything we will ever need to work through us to make Him known to others.

  He tells us to stand in awe of a Being who is so completely, comprehensively, supremely, and totally sufficient; who always has been, is now, and always will be so perfect that there is no way to describe Him other than IAM.

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