What Is The Fear Of The LORD

Part I.
When Adam and Eve took their first bites of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, they really started something...  Something you and I do not need to perpetuate,
Something you and I with our free wills can choose not to do, something for which we can actually have a hatred, something we can resist when under the strongest and subtlest temptations of Satan... because there's something else God has made available to us.

  It's the most fool-proof thing in the world in relation to sinning; it's called the fear of the Lord.
Before you read further, I suggest we pray this prayer together:

''We would be still and know that You are God...King God... supreme in Your Authority...the ruling..reigning monarch of this universe...timeless in Your existence, ingenious in Your creativity and with totality of ownership. We stand in awe of You, as we contemplate Your awesome holiness, majestic splendor, blazing glory, limitless power, and unquestionable sovereignty. We worship You for Your flawless character, Your infinite knowledge and wisdom, Your absolute justice, unswerving faithfulness, unending mercy, matchless grace, and terrible wrath against sin. We bow our hearts and bend our knees before You as we acknowledge Your dazzling beauty, Your fascinating personality, Your incomprehensible humility, Your unsearchable understanding, and Your unfathomable love. We acknowledge that our greatest need is to have a far greater revelation of what You are really like. We ask You to meet that need. We would also join with Moses and pray, 'Teach us Your ways, that we may know You and find favor in Your sight.' Thank you that You will answer these sincere requests, in Jesus' name. Amen,''

The fear of the Lord is undoubtedly one of the most important of God's ways.
We need to understand what the fear of the Lord is in order to understand what it is not.
When we first hear this phrase, we are apt to think it means to be afraid of God. We are not to be afraid of God because He created us for His pleasure and for intimate friendship with Himself. In God's Word, we find that He has clearly defined the fear of the Lord for us.

Proverbs 8:13 says,
''The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil''; that means having God's attitude toward sin at all times. The more we study the holiness of God from His Word, the more we will understand the extent of His hatred of sin.

By: Joy Dawson.
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